Page 41 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 41

At the end of the school year, the Discipline Review Board will review the records of all students. Special attention will be paid not only to the reason for the suspension, but also to the student's conduct after the suspension. After this review, the Administration will determine the status of these students for the following school year based on the recommendation of the Discipline Review Board.
V andalism
Damage to school property, the building, or the grounds, as well as damage to private property or buses, will not be tolerated. The repair/replacement value of such damage must be reimbursed by the student(s) responsible in addition to any other disciplinary action that Padua may deem appropriate in any given case.
The use, possession, sale, or discharge of any type of weapon or dangerous object including toys or replicas of such objects (e.g. knife, gun, club, pepper spray, or any other type of instrument judged so by the Assistant Principal of Young Men or Young Women is absolutely forbidden on school property and/or school events at all times. This prohibition also includes any pistol, rifle or other device that uses air or gas propelled projectiles.
Violations of this policy will result in immediate notification of police. A student in possession of such weapons and/or objects will be suspended from school immediately. The principal may dismiss the student, pending disciplinary review.
The Padua Franciscan High School dress code is a result of ongoing appraisal of year-to-year experience. The overall goal of the dress code is for Padua students to be attired professionally, tastefully, and comfortably. The school takes into consideration personal hygiene, development of good habits of grooming, cost of current available styles, and propriety. Simply stated, propriety means that which is correct and in good taste for a particular situation. Since our main purpose is the educational process, any distracting or attention-seeking attire is not appropriate.
For special occasions, athletes or other student groups may be given permission by the Assistant Principals to wear team jerseys, shirts, or jackets. All other dress regulations are to be followed. In all cases, the group moderator or coach must obtain approval from the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
In general, personal clothing extremes in color, design, fit, and styles will not be permitted. Any questionable dress items are to be cleared with the Assistant Principal of Men or Women before being worn. A decision by the Assistant Principal of Men or Women regarding dress and/or grooming is final. Students who do not conform to the dress code may be held in the Assistant Principal of Men or Women’s office until proper attire can be acquired. In certain cases, students may be sent home.
It is the responsibility of each student to be properly dressed for school. Whenever a student chooses not to dress in an appropriate manner, teachers have the responsibility not to admit the student to class and to issue a detention. Any class time missed because of dress and grooming code violations will be considered an unexcused absence from class.
Failure to adhere to the dress code will result in:
1. First offense - detention which must be signed, is recorded, and is not served
2. Second offense - detention
3. Third offense – double detention
4. Further violations will result in more serious penalties.

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