Page 52 - Parent/Student Handbook
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to-day basis. The student should report directly to the library for the study hall period that they signed up to attend and check off their name as they enter the library. Students will only be admitted to the library if their name appears on the roster. Students may also use the library before school from 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. and after school from dismissal to 3:30 p.m. on Monday – Thursday and 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.
To check out library materials, a student must present his or her student I.D. at the circulation desk.
Computer availability in the library varies from day to day. Students should check availability with the librarians the morning they intend to use the computers. Students should be aware that they presently are not permitted to access their private email accounts from the library computers; therefore, papers and other assignments that need to be accessed or printed should be placed on a flash drive for accessibility on the library computers.
Student Behavior in the Library
Students who have signed up for the library must remain there for the entire period. Passes to restroom and lockers will not be given except in emergency situations. Quiet, individual study is expected at all time and all rules, as stated in the Padua Parent/Student Handbook must be followed. Food and drinks are not permitted in the library. Students who so not adhere to the rules of the library may be issued detentions and/or be prohibited from using the library. The library is intended to provide students and/or small groups a common place to gather for the productive completion of academic and/or extracurricular endeavors.
Locker decoration is permitted under limited circumstances only. Locker decorations by approved student groups must be with moderator supervision. Any other decoration (e.g. birthday celebrations) must be pre-approved by the Assistant Principal of Men or Women. Any form of writing or marking directly on the locker surface is prohibited. Blue painters tape is the only acceptable adhesive for decorating lockers. Confetti, glitter, and balloons are not to be used. Unauthorized locker decoration may be considered vandalism and punishable by suspension. If permission has been obtained to decorate lockers, this must be done under proper supervision and completed before 8:00 p.m. Any interior decoration must be in moderation and good taste. Noncompliance will result in detentions. No lewd or suggestive pictures are permitted. All lockers decorations will be removed on Friday or the last school day of each week.
Lockers are selected by putting a blue school lock on the locker and recording the locker number with the Homeroom teacher. Students may not share lockers; one student per locker.
Only official school locks, which can be purchased in the Padua Bruin Shop, may be used on school lockers (including corridor lockers, gym lockers, and music lockers). Students may sell or pass their school locks to another student when they leave Padua. The Bruin Shop will not buy back used locks. These locks are the property of the student, although the school administration always retains the right of access by factory-issued passkey. Since lockers are the property of the school, the school administration can order a "locker check" or repair occupied lockers whenever this becomes necessary. All non-school locks will be immediately removed from school lockers.
If students choose not to lock their locker, the lock itself must be kept on the hook inside the locker; otherwise, it may cause the locker to jam.
Students should never tell their lock combination to anyone else. No student is ever allowed to open the locker of another student unless accompanied by one of the school's administrators.

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