Page 62 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 62

General Records
The school keeps additional records while a student is enrolled at Padua Franciscan High School. This information is destroyed when a student graduates or transfers from Padua.
Included in a student’s General Records are:
• biographical facts and information not required for the permanent record
• all grades for the four years, interim, quarterly, etc. (paper copies)
• admissions information sheet
• documentation of special health conditions
• emergency telephone numbers
• additional test records, including elementary school records
• transcript requests for colleges, scholarships, NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Centers
The Counseling Department also keeps records related to counselor interaction with students, scheduling, letters of recommendations, copies of applications, surveys, etc. These records are retained for two years after graduation in the event former students choose to transfer colleges, apply for additional scholarships, etc. and want the assistance of their former counselor. Records of students transferring out are also retained in the event the student should return prior to their graduation year. All Counseling Department files are destroyed in total two years after the student’s graduation date.
As a general policy of Padua Franciscan, discipline records will only be released to a parent or guardian of a minor, a student of legal age, or as requested by a court order. School personnel, particularly counselors with college and/or scholarship applications, may be asked to disclose information related to a student’s discipline records. It is the policy of Padua Franciscan High School to not release such information except for as stated above. For example, for students submitting the Common Application, counselors will mark the response “School policy prevents me from responding.”
The Counseling Department offers students the opportunity to participate in regularly scheduled support groups. Currently, this is only offered as a Grief Group. These support groups are educational rather than therapeutic. In a casual setting, students can come together to learn how to deal with issues they may be encountering, whether for a short period of time or over a longer term, perhaps for life. An essential component is knowing that they are not alone, that other students are encountering similar life stressors and that there are trained adults available to them. Indeed, as professional school counselors, we believe that we are providing students with necessary life-skills and tools, that this service assists parents as the primary agents of formation of their children’s healthy emotional and psychological well-being.
Students will be individually interviewed and invited to participate in a support group by one of the counselors conducting the particular group. It will always be a student’s choice to participate. Any parent who does not wish their child to participate in a support group may contact the student’s assigned counselor or the Campus Minister.
While not required, the scheduling of a study hall affords opportunity for student access to valuable services during the course of the school day. Students may avail themselves of the resources in the Library/Media Center. The services of our professional tutoring staff in the Modular Unit are tied to student availability through study halls. Study halls are also a time to seek peer tutoring for students who are struggling with a particular class. (Note: All tutoring arrangements should be made through the student’s assigned guidance counselor.)

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