Page 10 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 10
Mission Statement
Padua Franciscan High School, a Catholic, college
preparatory school, rooted in and committed to the traditions and values of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi, educates young men & women within a
community where all are challenged to achieve academic excellence and to live out a lifelong commitment to Christ in Holiness and Learning.
Belief Statement
In Holiness...
We believe that:
fthe focus of what we do is Christ-centered as modeled by Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi
fthe Sacramental life of the school is fundamental to our sense of community
fcompassionate service is a manifestation of Christian holiness
fto embrace human dignity is to respect and honor each individual as a person created in the image and likeness of God
fthe doctrines and the moral values followed by the Roman Catholic Church are integral to all facets of Padua Franciscan High School
In Learning...
We believe that:
fFranciscan education respects the unique potential of each human being
facademic excellence is achieved through self-discipline, which includes having a strong work ethic, sharing a positive attitude, and being a responsible person
fa student’s potential for success is strongly enhanced by the partnership between parents and the school
four educational process is focused on the formation of a well-rounded individual: spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, and physical
fa Padua Franciscan education prepares students to be effective citizens of a globally interdependent community