Page 31 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 31
The Padua Course Catalog is issued each winter. A copy is given to each current freshman during registration week; upper class students may access the Course Catalog online at The curriculum and courses are explained in that publication.
The following regulations are in effect during all student dances sponsored by the school.
1. Unless otherwise advertised, all dances will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. No students will be admitted one hour after the start of the dance. All students and guests must have picture ID’s for entry to the dance.
2. Students must arrive no later than 7:45 p.m., and are not permitted to leave (once checked in) until 9:30 p.m. Dances will end at 10:00 p.m. All students must be picked up no later than 10:15 p.m.
3. Once students have entered the dance, they may not leave until one hour before the dance ends. If attendees do decide to leave early, they MAY NOT RETURN for any reason and parents may be contacted.
4. Anyone needing to go to their car (after check in) must ask for a security/police escort.
5. For Homecoming, Winter Formal and Prom, students may bring a guest from another school pending administrative approval and the completion of the guest approval form, which is available from the dance moderators. Dances are for high school students. Grade school students are never permitted to attend these dances. Generally, individuals over 20 years old are not permitted. Tickets may not be purchased without submitting the completed form. Questions should be referred to the Assistant Principals.
6. Sponsors for dances cannot be responsible for valuables. Do not leave purses and other valuables unattended.
7. Absolutely no smoking (vaping, electronic cigarettes, Juul etc.), alcoholic beverages or other mood- altering chemicals shall be allowed at any onsite or offsite venue including the building, in the parking lot, or on Padua Franciscan or St. Anthony Parish property.
8. All school rules apply to all attendees at dances. Failure to abide by school rules may result in removal from the dance and/or disciplinary action against the student and/or guest.
9. Use and/or possession of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs are prohibited. A breathalyzer, administered by local police authorities, may be given to any student attending a dance. Padua Franciscan High School retains the right to randomly check or have a breathalyzer test administered by a police officer, to determine if a student is under the influence. Students who test positive for alcohol on the breathalyzer will be removed from the dance and suspended from school for at least 5 days. The parents of that student will be contacted to come and pick up the student. If after reasonable attempts, parents cannot be contacted, the student will be released to the local authorities. In addition, any student under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any school dance may not be allowed to attend future dances.
10. It is the responsibility of the students and their parents, along with Padua Franciscan, to insure that the school and students remain alcohol and drug-free. We appreciate parent assistance in prohibiting the use of alcohol or drugs by students at any time.
11. Students are expected to act in a safe and appropriate manner while at dances/socials. Suggestive or inappropriate behaviors or attire can result in detention and/or removal from the