Page 48 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 48
The elevators are for the use of the faculty and staff only. Handicapped and injured students may receive permission from the Assistant Principal of Men or Women to use the elevators. Inappropriate use of the elevator such as opening doors between floors, pressing the stop button, vandalism, bringing unauthorized students on the elevator will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension or expulsion. Students who do not return an elevator key will result in a double detention.
Padua maintains an approved emergency plan as directed by the Ohio Department of Education. ENTRANCE TO THE BUILDING
Prior to the start of the school day, entrance to the building will be permitted only through the supervised doors at the (front) main lobby and the northwest and northeast parking lot main doors. Students may not enter the building through any other doors; specifically, the boys’ locker room doors and the music room doors. All outside doors to the school building will be locked daily from 8:00 a.m. until 2:29 p.m. During this time access to the building may only be gained through an electronically monitored door farthest to the right at the front MAIN entrance to the school. All visitors must report to the Receptionist in the Main lobby.
Final examinations are given in each subject area. They are an important factor in determining the grades that appear on the student's transcript. Students should review the entire semester's work in preparing to take their exams since the final exam will be weighted 20% in determining the semester grade.
The various faculty offices are restricted to use by the members of the faculty. Faculty offices and the faculty lounge are off limits to students.
Each student receives a "Final Grade" for each semester's work on the report card. In general, required courses that are failed must be made up in summer school. There are some absolutes, however, that will be adhered to:
1. Any failed English or Math class must be made up or the student will not be permitted to return for the following year.
a. A student failing a Theology class must be able to schedule a repeat of that specific course in the following school year.
2. A student must meet the minimum credit requirements outlined under Academic Dismissal or they will not be permitted to return for the following year.
The student’s assigned counselor will consult with the family about online arrangements for credit recovery. It is the responsibility of the parents to enroll the student and ensure successful completion of the course. Failure to enroll in and successfully complete a summer school course will result as follows:
1. If one of the above criteria are violated, the student will not be permitted to return to Padua.
2. If the course does not fall into one of the above categories, it is possible that the student may
be able to return to Padua, but it might not be possible to schedule the student for classes that they need due to class availability or class size limits. In such a circumstance they may be dismissed from Padua.
3. If it is possible to change a schedule to account for the fact that a summer school course was not enrolled in or successfully completed (excluding English or Math courses), a