Page 56 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 56
Lockers are selected by putting a blue school lock on the locker and recording the locker number with the Homeroom teacher. Students may not share lockers; one student per locker.
Only official school locks, which can be purchased in the Padua Bruin Shop, may be used on school lockers (including corridor lockers, gym lockers, and music lockers). Students may sell or pass their school locks to another student when they leave Padua. The Bruin Shop will not buy back used locks. These locks are the property of the student, although the school administration always retains the right of access by factory- issued passkey. Since lockers are the property of the school, the school administration can order a "locker check" or repair occupied lockers whenever this becomes necessary. All non-school locks will be immediately removed from school lockers.
If students choose not to lock their locker, the lock itself must be kept on the hook inside the locker; otherwise, it may cause the locker to jam.
Students should never tell their lock combination to anyone else. No student is ever allowed to open the locker of another student unless accompanied by one of the school's administrators.
Students are not allowed to change their lockers without the permission of the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
The school is not responsible for any loss or damage to books or personal property. Therefore, articles of great value (e.g., jewelry, and electronic devices, etc.) should not be brought to school.
Locks should be kept securely locked at all times. Students are responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of their lockers. No food or drink should be kept in the locker overnight. Lockers are not to be overstuffed or left open. Failure to comply could result in a detention.
Found articles should be brought to the Attendance Office, and lost articles should be claimed there. Found items not claimed within 10 days will be discarded.
MedTrack is a four-year advanced science track focused on preparing students in the Franciscan tradition for careers in science and medicine. The program combines advanced coursework, enrichment opportunities, and practical experiences, while also integrating the distinctive Franciscan approach to healthcare which only Padua Franciscan High School can provide. For additional details regarding the program and eligibility, please refer to www. Please direct questions to the Director of MedTrack, ext. 171.
Students are not allowed in the MedTrack Media Center without adult supervision. No food or drinks are allowed at any time.
If it is necessary for a parent/guardian to contact their child during the school day, a message may be left with the school receptionist at (440) 845-2444.