Page 66 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 66
While not required, the scheduling of a study hall affords opportunity for student access to valuable services during the course of the school day. Students may avail themselves of the resources in specific parts of the building, with an approved pass. Study halls are also a time to seek peer tutoring for students who are struggling with a particular class. (Note: All tutoring arrangements should be made through the student’s assigned guidance counselor.)
Students must report to their assigned study hall before going to appointments with counselors, teachers, etc. Procedures for attending the library during study halls are outlined in the Library/Media section of this handbook.
Study halls are meant to provide several different options for students throughout the day. Generally speaking, all study halls will be assigned to the cafeteria except during lunch periods. Silent study hall is available in the library, and students must follow appropriate sign up procedures. The format for the non- cafeteria study hall, which is held in a classroom, will also provide for these options, albeit in a more limited manner.
Students are permitted no more than 11⁄2 study halls per semester.
General Policies for Cafeteria Study Halls
1. Students must be in assigned seats at the beginning of study hall. Proctors will determine how and
when students may relocate in the cafeteria to the specific study areas and when they may begin to
utilize the Brewin’ Café.
2. The use of the Wi-Fi hub and the Brewin’ Café are privileges that may be revoked if the general
policies are not adhered to.
3. Unless utilizing other opportunities in the study hall, students generally should remain seated.
4. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. No food or drink should be taken out of
the study hall.
5. Wi-Fi hub computer use may be limited based on the number of students desiring access.
6. Food or drink is not permitted at the computers.
7. Students are expected to maintain a respectful level of volume.
8. Use of personal electronic devices is not permitted, including cell phones and digital sound players.
(see DISCIPLINARY POLICIES: Cell Phones, p. 26)
General Policies for Non-Cafeteria Study Halls
Classroom study halls are a necessary part of Padua life (especially during periods 5 through 9).
1. Students must be in assigned seats at the beginning of study hall.
2. Proctors will determine how and when students may relocate in the classroom for the specific
study options and when they may begin to utilize their pass privileges.
3. Students may work quietly together or talk quietly together.
4. Students may not go to the cafeteria from their study hall during periods 5 through 9.
Every student who plans to enter or return to Padua for a new academic year is required to take part in our school-sponsored "Summer Academic Program." This includes a summer reading assignment and the completion of a math review. These are mandatory assignments which will include a graded assessment at the beginning of the school year. The grades received on these tests are included in the student's first quarter English and Math grade. This program is intended to reinforce learned material and to prepare students for their next sequential course. All information can be found at by mid-June.