Page 16 - Padua Viewbook 2017-18
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Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Fine Arts at Padua Franciscan. We have an outstanding four-year program in studio arts and music performance. In addition to course work, students can enter local art shows and competitions. They can also participate in vocal, instrumental, and theatre performances.
Instrumental Music
Marching Band
(including Color Guard & Dance Team)
Stage Band String Quartet Symphonic Band
Vocal Music
A Cappella Choir
Bel Canto Chamber Chorale Choir Cabaret
Concert Choir
Men’s Ensemble
Visual Arts
Comprehensive, four-year studio art program featuring: drawing, painting, graphic design, photography,
digital media, yearbook, and
literary magazine
Fall Play
Winter One-Acts
Spring Musical: Celebrating 25+ years and 25+ di erent plays
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7th & 8th graders can join Padua’s Marching Band and Color Guard
Our Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Choir perform at Festival Disney in Orlando, Florida every other year.
We send more participants to Ohio Music Education Association’s Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event than any other Northeast Ohio Catholic high school.
Our students have consistently won awards for visual arts in local and national competitions.

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