Page 4 - Padua Viewbook 2017-18
P. 4

Padua’s Franciscan charism strives to foster a spirit of unity and not uniformity in order to respect the giftedness of every person, ensuring that all feel a part of our Franciscan family.
We welcome students of all faith traditions. This is evident in the expansive International & Foreign Exchange Program which includes over 30 students from 24 countries.
Padua Franciscan has the most comprehensive retreat program in the area. Students will participate in a retreat every year that focuses on developing relationships with each other and God. We are in our 19th year of o ering the Kairos Retreat to our Juniors. Senior year, students can choose from 8 di erent retreat options including backpacking, biking, canoeing, ziplining, and hiking.
“Padua Franciscan calls us to imitate God’s preference for the poor and the powerless. If you open yourself to God and his plan printed deeply in your heart, God will open himself to you. Wherever your treasure is, that’s where your heart will be.”
– Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm, President

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