Page 20 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 20

Unexpected love
You are not who I thought you were You do not, like a soft cat, purr
You go so much deeper within
To places that know not of sin
You have such depth to all you do
A depth that comes from none but you I once did think that knowing you Would be like knowing no one new
I thought that you would also be Just another hated by me
But now I do finally see
Who you are now really, truly
All that I do not understand
Is something that came up in band I just have been wanting to know Where your delicate heart will go
If you should go for a fine girl The one who is a precious pearl Do you want all there is of her The one with no other man were
Or do you want all that is me
The one that is wanting to be
The one with you for quite some time Who trades her love for not a dime
I love you more than others do But I know not if also you
Love me for me and me as I Forever ‘til the day I die.
Danielle Trybala ‘16
To Me, From Me
Standing there, I see a girl, A dark scarf of flowing hair. Pale skin to contrast,
Her small statuesque,
With a pair of green eyes to match. I looked into her soul,
And found not even a hole.
She was filled with a good,
That no one else understood.
I looked at her, and she looked at me, As I started at her magnificent beauty. Leaning closer I realized,
Much to my surprise,
That this girl was me,
So delicate, and free.
And I loved her more,
Than anyone else could adore.
Elizabeth Byram `16
Standing on Icy Ground
It starts with a risk,
Toes step into a cold water brisk,
But toes are just not enough?
A foot, a leg, pretend it’s not rough,
Before you know it your head is underwater.
Don’t you think someone taught her?
You’re drowning in your own icy water,
No one wants to help this poor daughter.
Her face creases and she tries to scream,
But doesn’t she know you can’t hear under a stream? Shes dying slowly without a sound.
She can’t warn the other aboveground.
They walk above her out farther,
But do they know they stand on a martyr?
Will they end up the same?
Or, will they finally take the blame?
Elizabeth Byram `16

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