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P. 25

Here By My Side
Two days have passed since the time you last called, And I find myself sitting here, feeling so small Without you here by my side.
A third day has passed, and I’m starting to scare; Everything’s different without you there, Without you here by my side.
After the fourth, my telephone rings,
And my beating heart finds itself begin to sing; I need you here by my side.
But alas, it’s not you who gave me a call, And I once again sit here feeling so small Without you here by my side.
The news they do tell is a terrible case; Never again will I feel your embrace. You’re no longer here by my side.
A single tear rolls onto the floor,
And I find myself turning to look towards the door. Is it you, here by my side?
An eerie voice whispers “Goodbye” in my ear, And now I realize I must face my fear Without you here by my side.
All alone in the world with nothing to give, I wander along, struggling to live
Without you here by my side.
But a piece of me left the world with you, And everyone else can see it too;
I need you here by my side.
So I walk alone till the lights fade out,
And Death takes my hand, making me doubt If you’ll ever be here by my side.
But then a smile creeps onto my face, And I hurry to your warm embrace;
I have you here by my side.
We are together, no longer alone;
In your embrace, I have found my home With you right here by my side.
Alexandra DiPaolo `17
Take off my mask and teach me how to be myself, Because I’m just an actor pretending to be someone else, Wishing I wasn’t who I am.
Give me the words to speak and the actions to do, Because I’m just a mime, too afraid to open my mouth, And be judged by the world.
Help me where to go, direct my wires and strings,
Show me how to walk again, how to talk again and how to go, Because I’m just a puppet tangled up in my strings,
Unable to undo this mess I’m in anymore.
Stand me up tall, put on my smile and make me feel again.
Make me more than a toy, only used when bored.
Make me more than an actor, only there to perform.
Make me more than a mime, silenced for entertainment.
Make me more than a puppet, held back and handcuffed in containment.
Make me a bright sky painted into a new perspective. Pick up my pieces and put me back together.
I’m not just a puzzle, not just a painting.
I am a human, not to be locked up in framing.
Autumn Franz `16

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