Page 29 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 29

My Friend Through the Years
My best friend, she’s pretty cool, She’s also really good in school.
When I’m feeling lost, she gives me a clue. Great achievements, I know she will do.
Off to Ohio State is she,
For achieving success, she will have the key.
Always happy and full of smiles,
Through this journey, she’s gone the miles.
An animal lover at heart,
With her I hope never have to part.
Eric Fasnacht `16
Nighttime glistens, a sparkling jade,
The sight that blinds, the bright colors that fade. Shivers brought by heat, shiny eyes now glossed, Nerves only numb, fingers burnt from the frost.
Our eyes see spots of darkness, but white light only shines. To overdose on living, to see the sightless signs.
To believe so hard that truth emerges from fiction,
Hate to love, love to hate, is there really a contradiction?
Feeling emotions so strong that you’re now paralyzed, Wanting so much, your own affection now despised. So right it turns wrong, so wrong it veers right,
Loving grows painful, the pain twists to spite.
The value of one, can’t be learned without the other, Conditions so radical, they turn into each other.
Two opposites connected by a thread so fine, Extremes no longer extreme at the end of the line.
Emily Reeves `16
Drowning in Anxiety
The waves rush over your lightly-tanned skin And drag you away from the shore.
Water enraptures your tongue and your throat Until you can’t breathe anymore.
You are being dragged away from the normal From everything real and true.
Vision goes dark, limbs flail around,
The water seems to be trapping you.
The current weakens its grasp
Gives up and releases its pull.
But you are now left to drown and perish Your body, with water, is full.
Emily Kollin `17

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