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The Bookshelf
A jet black beehive
Stretching thirty stories high,
Full of pods teeming with dysfunction, With beauty,
With loneliness.
Each stained grey door
The cover of a book.
And within four walls
A novel. All an age-old tale,
Yet completely new.
Stories of leaving and never coming back,
Of scraping to survive, Of monster lying in beds With beautiful blue eyes.
Each both a tragedy and comedy, Each both a beginning and end. They all stand side by side,
Leaning against their neighbors,
A collection of beat-up, mundane masterpieces.
Emily Musgrave `16
Goodbye, old friend,
For tomorrow brings
A suitcase, a train,
And a thousand miles in between.
At this point our paths fork;
Oh, how I wish we could stand Here longer, but if we linger Our feet’ll get stuck in the sand.
With my decision as a knife, I must cut the ties,
And in the morning
I must say goodbye.
So let tonight be our night, Our one final ride,
The last memory and snapshot Of this too fleeting time.
One last grasp
For things that cannot stay. One last inhale
Before it all blows away.
Emily Musgrave `16
The Rainbow’s End
You used to pick me flowers that were so elegantly red, Feed me popsicles that were only a creamy orange, And tell me I shined like the sun, so bright and yellow.
But now you tell me I make you a sickly green,
That your happiness has turned into a gloomy, rainy, blue, And that the bruises on your heart have become indigo.
I was red and you were blue,
We collided and you realized you hated violet.
Kristin Tomoff `16
To The Moon and Back
I watch you closely from behind.
Your fingers dance
Across the black and white keys.
As my hands rest gently on your shoulders, You hardly notice me.
You focus solely on your music. It’s not hard to see,
How you love what you do,
All the way,
To the moon and back.
I cherish your gift,
But I wish you would listen to me. In the most meaningful way,
You play my favorite song. Instantly my anxiety is erased, And I am at peace.
Jenna Bresnahan `17

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