Page 2 - Paduan Fall Mobile
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One of the most exciting happenings of this past summer was the transformation of the atrium, lobby and ofces into a more welcoming and functional entrance to our school. Te improvements engendered in all of us great enthusiasm and hope that our positive changes would be not only in brick and mortar, but also in the life and spirit of Padua Franciscan! Our community came to new life when our doors opened for this 2017-2018 school year.Francis of Assisi believed his early brothers had to support and work with one another in bringing the Gospel message to the world. Individualism found no home among the Franciscan friars. Francis depended on his early companions, Brother Leo in particular, to accompany him when he journeyed on mission. When he heard the call to “Repair my Church,” his insight moved him from stones to spirit. As the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were in communion with each other, so too would his brothers live. Te palpable reality that each of us is an essential part of Padua rocked our initial liturgy and our sports rally. Without a doubt, we were one…we became community, not to hold it for ourselves alone…but to invite others to discover and share in what we have experienced.All of the above was made possible when we pulled together for a common cause. I am so grateful for the generosity in time, talent and resources that made this possible. Make no mistake about it, our Capital Campaign solidifed our supporters in sacrifcing to build up what they know is a strong academic environment in which life-long Christian values are modeled and lived. We are so much more than just mortar and brick, but we need a roof over our heads to make it all come together. We continue to need the support of our more than 11,200 alumni, our parents and grandparents, and a myriad of friends who believe in the Padua Franciscan message.We are so proud of the accomplishments of our Paduan Community that we have dedicated this issue to highlight the goodness that is ours! We want to let our readers know what is possible when we pull together to make good happen. We acknowledge those who have contributed their resources to build up Padua Franciscan. We also want to provide our interested readers a fnancial report in the spirit of transparency; we want to use the gifs of our donors according to their intentions. Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofmPresidentFr. Allan DaCorte, ofm, M.Div. PresidentMs. Madonna (Demma) Ross ’89 ChairpersonMr. Nicholas Marra ’76 Vice ChairpersonMr. Michael P. BarthMr. Richard Dell’AquilaFr. John Doctor, ofmFr. John Dombrowski, ofmMr. James Gaydosh ’78Mr. Nick IafgliolaFr. Larry Janezic, ofm ’69Mr. Dennis Juliani ’68Mr. David Knowles ’65Mr. Gerald Koler ’86Mr. Wayne Ligato ’68Mr. Paul Marnecheck II ’00Mr. Robert Mustee ’71Mrs. Heather (Ross) Scaglione ’89Mr. Joseph SchuergerBr. Tom Smith, ofmMrs. Jennifer VergiliiMr. Steve Suding Executive VP & Secretary of the BoardMrs. Ann-Marie (Lehman) DiPaolo ’86 TreasurerMr. David G. Stec ’86 PrincipalBOARD OF TRUSTEESPresident’s MessageFront Cover (lef to right): President Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm, Crishawn Long ’19, Isabelle Smiley ’20, Joseph Falconi ’19, Maria Dosen ’21 and Principal David Stec ’86 gathered around the school seal in the newly renovated Main Lobby.