Page 12 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 12
FRESHMEN Electives:
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Business
Intermediate Accounting
Introduction to Accounting Intermediate Accounting Advanced Accounting Business Principles/
Entrepreneurship Finance
Economics Marketing
Padua Franciscan offers a four-year MyTrack Business program for students who want to further their education and explore careers in the business field.
The goal of the Business Department is to allow students who are anticipating a business career to acquire a solid foundation for college curricula. A wide range of electives affords students an introduction to the various disciplines of business.
MyTrack Business (see page 8 for Curriculum Sequence)
The MyTrack Business program promotes involvement in provided enrichment activities (such as Business Club and Speaker Series) and a practical experience (Mock interviews and External Shadowing), along with other activities as may be recommended by the MyTrack Business moderator or MyTrack Director.
MyTrack Business is fully compatible with the requirements of the MedTrack program. It is expected for a non-music MyTrack Business student to complete the Fine Arts path of Introductions to Drawing (grade 9) and either Graphic Design or Digital Media (grade 11).
The recommendation for a music student (Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Chorale) is to complete the minimum two credits of the vocal or instrumental sequence in grades 9 and 10 prior to entering the MyTrack sequence. There is a pathway to enter MyTrack Business after fulfilling the minimum two-year commitment to musical performance. In most cases, a continued four-year commitment to musical performance can be maintained with careful consideration of other elective options. Students should consult with their counselor as they consider their options for grades 11 and 12.
Semester 1/2 Credit Grades 9, 10
This course takes a survey-like approach to business principles and provides an opportunity for students to determine future course selections. Students will explore several topics across the business curriculum. The development of a strong business vocabulary will be emphasized.