Page 20 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 20
This course, a combination of literature, grammar, vocabulary, and composition, places great stress on the analysis of literature in preparation for Honors English 11. Literary genres studied include: the short story, the novel, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. This course focuses on a mastery of essay format and introduces the formational tenants of college- level, expository writing. This course features a foundational study of rhetoric and formal writing for research. The communication disciplines of this course further extend the components of interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. Students will create additional pieces for their 4-year career writing and professional communication portfolio.
Year 1 Credit
This course stresses the development of the American spirit through a survey of our nation’s literature. The genres covered include the short story, novel, essay, protest literature, and poetry. In addition, emphasis is placed upon the continued development of vocabulary and refinement of grammatical and composition skills. A focus on standard composition principles will feature several essays, including a research paper, college-admissions responses, and professional
writing. The communication disciplines of this course will further develop the art of professional communication.
Year 1 Credit Req: Honors English 10 and Department approval
This course is designed for students who have high reading, writing, and language abilities and who want in-depth preparation for a college-level English course in the 12th grade. The course is college-level in terms of methods, materials and evaluation. The primary emphasis will be on writing as a means of learning, thinking, and communicating, as well as responding imaginatively, analytically, and critically to prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines and rhetorical contexts in an American literature survey. The communication disciplines of this course will further develop the art of professional communication.
Year 1 Credit
This course includes a survey of British authors and works from early times to the present. The literary genres covered include drama, the novel, short story, essay, and poetry. In addition to works of British literature, selected supplemental works from world literature are also included. The study of literature is supplemented with emphasis on vocabulary development, mastery of grammar, correct usage, and composition.
Year 1 Credit Req: Honors English 11 and Department approval
This course is designed for students who have extremely high reading, writing, and language abilities and who are now ready for a college-level English course. This course is college-level in terms of methods, materials, and evaluation. The primary emphasis will be on critical and analytical response (written and oral) to literature (poetry, drama, diction, and essay) of recognized merit from the English tradition as well as some works in translation.
This course is a preparation for the Advanced Placement English examination. It is the expectation that students will take at least one of the AP exams at the end of the school year.
Semester 1/2 Credit Grades 11, 12 Req: Grade of C+ or higher in English 10
This course will only be offered during the 1st semester of the 2022-2023 school year. This is an elective course, which provides students with the opportunity to learn the techniques of the creative writing craft and will introduce them to the various elements of poetry and fiction. Students will read and critically examine various works in both genres and then