Page 25 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
P. 25
2nd Semester only 1/2 credit Grades 11, 12 Req: Digital Media 332 and permission of instructor
This course will build on concepts introduced in Digital Media involving digital video production by providing design theory and hands-on camera technique and editing. Students will practice the production process from live shoot to final edit and learn how scripts, storyboards, and short animation sequences are developed. The Digital Media course that precedes this is a mandatory requirement.
Year 1 Credit Grade 12 Req: A total of at least 2 1⁄2 credits in Art. In addition, an application must be submitted.
Students will engage in structured and independent projects to complete the requirements for College Board AP credit. Students will create a thematic portfolio of work known as a Sustained Investigation. Throughout portfolio development students will be required to document their ideas, practice and experimentations in a series of writing and sketchbook entries. Students should be self-motivated and able to dedicate time outside of class to complete projects. Group discussions and critiques will occur throughout the course.
It is the expectation that students submit an appropriate AP portfolio for review in May.
Two-week summer intensive camp/two hours per school week 1/2 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
Bruin Tech is a course designed to foster positive learning experiences while teaching the basic production techniques and technology used for live and recorded events. The course is defined to develop student knowledge and skill in providing sound, light, and camera support for school events.
Students will learn the basics of sound engineering, lighting design, and camera work for the entire production process from conception through post-production editing. The class is designed to provide necessary knowledge to run the school’s equipment to provide production tech for school events (music, theatre, Campus Ministry, athletics). The class will provide practical knowledge for the student as well as problem solving skills, teamwork, and showcase creativity. Students will be assigned events throughout the school year for which they will provide the requested tech as a member of the Bruin Tech Team.
Semester 1⁄2 Credit Grades 9, 10, 11,12
This course is for students with no previous instrumental music experience. Emphasis for this class will be mainly on development of basic technical skills such as tone production, breath control, and basic music theory. Other topics covered will be care and maintenance of the instrument, ensemble playing, teamwork, and critical thinking aspects of musicality. Instruments are provided by availability.
Semester 1⁄2 Credit Grades 9, 10, 11
Introduction to Band is offered to musicians with no previous band class experience. Emphasis for this class will be mainly on development of basic technical skills, such as tone production, break control, and music reading. Students will also be taught how to incorporate the musical decisions involved with creating a great performance. Other topics covered will be care/maintenance of an instrument, ensemble playing, teamwork, and the critical thinking aspects of musicality, including (but not limited to) sight-reading and improvisation.
Year 1 Credit Req: Audition and Director’s approval
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12