Page 4 - Horizon 18-19
P. 4
Christmas, 1914
Cold wind whirs
The mud stirs
For they were meeting on unofficial terms
May it be from the suffering and pain?
And under their commanders, they were worms
From across the barren waste Other men are in the same place They keep their heads high Since Christmas is nigh
Upon the trench appeared lights
But they were different from past nights A sound did ring
As men’s voices began to sing
The other side joined in Together as if they were kin Two languages as one Their differences, none
The men were able to sleep
As their worries were meek
They woke to soft snow Everything seemed to have a glow
Christmas Day had arrived
Their hope was revived
The once enemy moved across the waste They walked at a cautious pace
One by one, they met in the field The trust of man acted as a shield. Men try to sleep in vain
Gifts were exchanged Feelings would change
A game would even be played The men would pray
Their fallen could finally rest
But now facing a final test
The men would salute one last time As the bells of war would chime
They would retreat back to the trench Their teeth clenched
The Great War resumed
And this peace would meet its doom
Chase Manson '22
The Caravan
A simple girl was searching for escape. Within her tattered clothes and tiny shoes,
She scans the crowd for some familiar shape, Her gentle glow returned with hateful hues. The silent looks of scorn plague her with news That she does not belong; she’s sent away Since they up North can tolerate abuse.
Yet off to Church they go for holy day,
No fear; the human race has fallen in decay.
Ava Barone '19
I Am Tiger Lily
As I stepped onto stage, the crowd went into a hush,
I tried to stay calm and not speak in a rush.
Hundreds of eyes peered up at me from their seats, And I looked down, not knowing which ones to meet. Then it was time for my big part,
But I was nervous; I forgot when to start.
But I was soon reminded with a nod by my friend
That my part was soon to begin, not end.
I took a deep breath, then began to sing about being you, Despite all the ways you might be told to do.
And to stick out of the crowd, to take a big leap,
Towards being a loud voice, not just a peep.
Then I was one with Tiger Lily onstage,
Despite the odds of me being the understudy, instead of Paige. I will never forget the ovation I got,
As I finished my solo and thought:
I know that I have brought
Beauty to this stage I now will call home.
Maggie Wetter 19