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FAITH IN At Padua Franciscan, students learn the importance of actions as a reflection of faith. Service projects
instill leadership, self-discipline, and social cooperation; furthermore, they encourage students to develop effective decision-making skills and personal accountability.
Padua students commit to 4 years of service:
• Freshmen volunteer 20 hours for school, parish, and family
• Sophomores make 4 visits to homeless shelters or soup kitchens
• Juniors make 8 visits to nursing homes or handicapped facilities
• Seniors engage in an advocacy project in order to live out the values of Catholic Social Teachings
For more than 40 years, the Padua community has come together in the Franciscan spirit of giving. Since its inception in 1971, Christmas For Others has raised nearly $500,000 for charity. CFO is the largest student-run fundraiser in Northeast Ohio. Recently, our students have consistently raised $30,000 each year, to help local and global charities.
Yearly mission trip opportunities are available to students each summer to the Dominican Republic. PADUAFRANCISCAN.COM

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