Page 2 - Paduan Fall Mobile
P. 2
President’s Message
Most of our growth in life is slow-paced and subtle. en again, there are those transforming moments when we see
with new eyes, where a new vision takes shape in us. ose moments touch us to the core and we grab hold of them tightly, running with the vision that will take us to God-only-knows where. Even dreadfully chaotic happenings can turn into pivotal events, where the past informs our future in a new and challenging way.
Are there historic events that have completely rede ned your worldview? School shootings over the past few months have moved the hearts of our youth into action. I experienced this kind of commitment to action and change way back in ’65, when as youth we were challenged to react to the Vietnam con ict, drug use, assassinations of our president John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, the Freedom March in Selma, etc. We were energized to try to change what was. We were probably a bit idealistic and naïve, but we stood for life and life-giving values. We did what we could to make a di erence.
Some 60 years later our youth continue to actively apply Gospel values to spur change in the social issues of today. Be it immigration, tension among nations, gun control, and the most recent heinous acts of school shootings, the courage of our youth is striking. Not afraid to confront and debate substantive issues, our youth are letting their presence be known with a vision of life that can transform hearts and laws and practices in the spirit of the Gospel.
Our youth are proposing bold and daring ideas to address our social and cultural issues that need immediate attention. Along with the cries of the “Never Again” movement, we need to assure our youth that all of our schools are institutions of learning providing a safe environment free of fear. I urge all of us to support these initiatives of our young people. ey o er us an inspiring example of an honest, thoughtful and eloquent challenge.
Pope Francis reminds us in his Apostolic Exhortation “ e Joy of Love” that everyone has something to say and everyone has something to learn. I applaud our youth who want to make a di erence, who seek a peaceful world and dream life- giving Dreams! We pray that God will keep them safe and bring them Peace and everything good!
Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm President
Cover Photo left to right:
Ryan Strmac ’21, William Giulivo ’20, Jake Barth ’19, Kristen Seballos ’18, Nimisha Joshi ’19, Johnny Harris ’20, Lauren Roth ’18 and Miranda Dorsey ’18.
Cover Photograph: Don Gerda
Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm
Ms. Madonna (Demma) Ross ’89
Mr. Nicholas Marra ’76
Vice Chairperson
Mr. Dana Banyasz ’04 Mr. Michael P. Barth Mr. James Climer
Mr. Richard Dell’Aquila Fr. John Doctor, ofm
Fr. John Dombrowski, ofm Mr. James Gaydosh ’78 Mr. Nick Ia gliola
Fr. Larry Janezic, ofm ’69 Mr. Dennis Juliani ’68
Mr. David Knowles ’65
Mr. Gerald Koler ’86
Mr. Wayne Ligato ’68
Mr. Paul Marnecheck II ’00
Mr. Robert Mustee ’71
Mrs. Heather (Ross) Scaglione ’89
Mr. Joseph Schuerger
Dr. Richard So ’89
Br. om Smith, ofm
Mrs. Jennifer Vergilii
Mrs. Mary Jane (Dworznik) Zarach ’88 Mr. Stephen Suding
Executive VP & Secretary of the Board
Mrs. Ann-Marie (Lehman) DiPaolo ’86
Mr. David Stec ’86