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P. 1


            If you are not sure which units you need to study, use this study guide.

            You have to decide which alternative ( A, B, C etc.) is right.


            If you don’t know (or if you are not sure) which alternatives are correct, study the unit

            (or units) on the right. You will find the correct sentence in the unit.

              Present         (I am, they’re working, she doesn’t know etc.)

              Past       (I was, they were working, we didn’t know etc.)

              Present perfect             (I’ve finished, Have you ever ...? etc.)

              Passive        (It was built, They’ve been repaired etc.)

              Verb forms            (I was making, it was made etc.)

              Future         (I’m doing, I’m going to do, I’ll do)

              Modals, imperative etc.                  (can, might, should etc.)

              There and it           (There’s a tree, It’s a tree)

              Auxiliary verbs            (be, have, don’t etc.)

              Questions           (Is it ...?, Have you ...?, Do they ...? etc.)

              Reported speech               (She said that ..., He told me that ...)

              -ing and to ...         (going/to go, working/to work etc.)

              Go, get, do, make and have

              Pronouns and possessives                    (they/them/their/theirs etc.)

              A and the          (a house, the house etc.)

              Determiners and pronouns                      (some, any, none etc.)

              Adjectives and adverbs                  (quick, quickly, quicker etc.)

              Word order            (I’m always late, I always go etc.)

              Conjunctions and clauses                    (When I ..., If I ..., The man who ... etc.)

              Prepositions            (in, at, to, with, by etc.)
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