Page 513 - BRN18
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180 RECREATIONAL – Restaurant
                                                                 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
CHeRRy Point bay
     110 McCotter Blvd Havelock  444-4631
 CRoatan RidGe
210 Foxhall Road Newport 223-2560 New Life Rehab Services
                            790 Cardinal Rd New Bern  672-9303 North Carolina Division Of Vocational Rehab
2832 Neuse Blvd New Bern  514-4727 Vencare New Bern #2910
2600 Old Cherry Point Rd New Bern 672-5034 RemodelinG & RePaiRinG-
                   ReCReational veHiCleS-StoRaGe
United Self Storage
3313 US Hwy 70 East New Bern  633-6427
ReCRuitinG-u.S. aRmed foRCeS
Air Force Recruiting
1222 S Glenburnie Rd New Bern  637-3395
Army National Guard Recruiting 800 464-8273
Army Recruiting Station
308 US Hwy 70 West Havelock  447-6952 1222 S Glenburnie Rd New Bern  637-3827
buildinG ContRaCtoRS
Aps By Gegore LLC
3914 US Hwy 70 East New Bern  633-3774
Carolina Crawlspace Solutions
4702C Arendell St Morehead City  727-5884
Rental SeRviCe StoReS & yaRdS
Rice’s Rentaland
558 US Hwy 70 West Havelock  447-1515
Stewart Equipment Co Inc
1400 US Hwy 17 North New Bern  638-6021
Vacation Resorts International
1141 Broad Creek Rd New Bern633-1151
ReStauRant equiPment- RePaiRinG & SeRviCinG
Hobart Sales & Service
NC Hwy 70 E Kinston  800 682-2032
ReStauRant equiPment & SuPPlieS
Foods Unlimited Inc
595 McCarthy Blvd New Bern  514-0669
John The Greek Restaurant Equipment
349 W Main St Havelock 646-9095
                                                                                                                                                           Coast Guard Raleigh919 878-4303 Marine Corps Recruiting
1222 S Glenburnie Rd #A New Bern  626-6203 Navy Recruiting637-5183
 RefRiGeRatoRS & fReezeRS-dealeRS
Tidewater Appliance
800 US Hwy 70 East New Bern  636-5930
RefRiGeRatoRS & fReezeRS- SeRviCe & RePaiR
    neW beRn aPPlianCe
Serving Craven Jones & Pamlico Counties 474-7799 (See Our Ad On PAGE 13)
 Sears Home Services  877 276-9816 ReHabilitation SeRviCeS
CarolinaEast Rehabilitation Hospital
2000 Neuse Blvd New Bern  633-8020
             L R

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