Page 128 - CCO17 Flip Book
P. 128

   Nienstedt – OAKWOOD 95 O
                             norTh cAroLInA sTATe of
see The govt blue-pages In The front of This book
                                                31 Nienstedt James 709 US Hwy 70 Wllstn 28589729-1542 Nilchnk Judy 106 Country Ct Nwprt 28570223-0428
47 911 Emergency Communications
38 300 N 12th St MrhdCty 28557 726-1911 77 Nipper Donnie 106 Dunes Ave AtlntcBch 28512 726-1121 38 Nissen Sandy 506 N Kinston Ave AtlntcBch 28512726-8234
Nixon Darryl 9415 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594  764-3555 08 Nixon Geald 258 Marshallberg Rd Smyrna 28579729-0860 Nixon Katie 112 Kevin Ct Bfrt 28516838-9394 Nixon Rob 1703 Lennoxville Rd Apt 8 Bfrt 28516 838-9263 No Name Pizza & Subs 408 Live Oak St Bfrt 28516728-4978 5218 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557773-0654
Norris Jeffrey 831 Masontown Rd Nwprt 28570 777-1080 Norris Johnny 183 Hall Rd Nwprt 28570240-1422 Norris Kelee 101 Osprey Ct Nwprt 28570764-9412 Norris Leon 122 Fawn Dr EmrldIsl 28594764-2838 Norris Ray & Barb
1505 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512  240-1860 Norris Rob 5801 Ocean Dr Apt East EmrldIsl 28594  764-9455 Norris Robert T 129 Charlie Lewis Ln Bfrt 28516838-0106 Norris Roger A 145 Deepwater Dr Stella 28582 393-1184 Norris Sandra
   38 81
No Weight Inspection
2500 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557222-3050
101 Freeman Ln Apt Upsl AtlntcBch 28512499-9281 Norris Scott 113 Willow Rd AtlntcBch 28512  499-9632 Norris Station 747 Chatham St Nwprt 28570 223-4775 Norris Steven 114 Knollwood Dr AtlntcBch 28512622-4196 North Carolina Aquarium At Pine Knoll Shores E
Noble Dixie 8713 Emerald Plantation Rd EmrldIsl 28594  764-9672 35 Noble Jonathan 120 Briar Patch Dr Apt B Bfrt 28516 838-1837 69 Noble Keith 109 Pinewood Dr PnKnlShrs 28512247-6476 85 Noble S728-2316 29 Nobles Bernice 2900 Myrtle St MrhdCty 28557 222-3607 52 Nobles John 4119 Sound Dr MrhdCty 28557726-0092 58 Nobles Suzanne 233 Tuttles Grove Rd Bfrt 28516838-9397 29 Nobling Larry 148 Chadwick Rd Bfrt 28516728-6270 50 Noderer Melissa 128 Stuart Ave EmrldIsl 28594764-9502 Noe Barbara 1402 Pirates Landing Dr Bfrt 28516838-1725 Noe Christie 115 Bogue Sound Dr Nwprt 28570622-4266 Noe Danielle 231 Water Oak Dr Nwprt 28570773-0441 81 Noe David 1028 Orange St Nwprt 28570223-6861 66 Noe Fletcher 1508 Evans St MrhdCty 28557  726-7363 64 Noe Funeral Service 133 Lockhart Dr Bfrt 28516728-2339 50 Noe Jan Nwprt777-4464
81 Noe Jeanette & Michael
98 146 Grady Dale Ln Bfrt 28516728-3828 12 Noe Susan 3101 Ocean Dr Apt West EmrldIsl 28594 764-9193 43 Noe Thomas & Ine 250 Howland Pkwy Bfrt 28516728-6152 81 Noe Victoria 301 Commerce Way AtlntcBch 28512726-4315 00 Noe William 104 Stern Rd Nwprt 28570393-8408
Noel James 301 River Reach Ct Swnsbr 28584910 326-1981 89 Noel R 105 Whitecap Ct EmrldIsl 28594  354-8258 83 Noel Tracy 103 Willow Bridge Dr Stella 28582  764-0365 00 Noise Abatement Officer 180 Airport Rd Bfrt 28516728-1928 13 Nolen Betty 782 Merrimon Rd Bfrt 28516728-5654 11 Nolen James 509 Pollock St Bfrt 28516728-2732 63 Nolen Margaret 404 Pine St Bfrt 28516 838-1850 38 Noles Joe 406 Cape Emerald Ct EmrldIsl 28594  354-7693 39 Noles Robert E 202 Savannah Ave MrhdCty 28557 726-9799 06 Nolin Marilyn 510 Island Dr Bfrt 28516 728-4434 49 Nolin Paul 517 Pine Valley Dr MrhdCty 28557247-3392 08 Noling Bryan 126 Lincoln Dr Nwprt 28570 777-1015 01 Nolle Nell L 111 Pinewood Dr Nwprt 28570726-6502 80 Nolty Matthew 514 Sandy Point Dr Bfrt 28516728-6180 72 Nordskog Jerome 134 Morris Dr Atlntc 28511225-0196 37 Norfolk Craig 400 E Terminal Blvd AtlntcBch 28512  499-9599
43 Norfolk Southern Railway
94 Main Number 855 667-3655 10 Customer Service 800 635-5768 91 Employment800 267-3313 45 Police Dept-Emergency800 453-2530 24 Shareholders800 531-6757 11 System Claims Office800 230-7049 88 News Media Inquiries 757 823-5204 74 Nork Justin 320 Governor Safford Ln EmrldIsl 28594  764-2032 16 Norman Bruce 406 Holly St EmrldIsl 28594354-4165 26 Norman Bryan & Judy
00 141 Wooded Acres Dr Nwprt 28570 726-5146 93 Norman Edward 407 W Branch Dr Nwprt 28570223-4712 00 Norman Eve 316 Moore St Bfrt 28516838-1784 77 Norman Henry C 407 Club Colony Dr AtlntcBch 28512  726-4346 74 Norman Lynne 224 Spruce Pines Dr Nwprt 28570  622-3115 57 Norman Ronald 1579 South River Rd Bfrt 28516 728-2815 89 Normann S
48 2305 W Fort Macon Rd Unit 309 AtlntcBch 28512773-0077 73 Normile Dennis 565 Coral Ridge Rd AtlntcBch 28512 240-2256
Normile James & Elaine
81 502 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-3546
71 Normyle Thomas 706 Windy Trail Nwprt 28570 223-5401 69 Norris Agnes 9715 Spinnaker Place EmrldIsl 28594  354-1915 Norris Billy 377 Norris Landing Rd Swnsbr 28584393-8646
75 Norris Billy M & Evelyn
58 377 Norris Landing Rd Swnsbr 28584  393-8810 18 Norris David 305 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594354-6794 58 Norris Douglas 207 Loblolly St EmrldIsl 28594  393-1089
1 Roosevelt Blvd PnKnlShrs 28512  247-4003 North Carolina Coastal Federation
3609 NC Hwy 24 Ocean Hwy Nwprt 28570393-8185 F North Carolina Fisheries Inc
2807 Neuse Blvd MrhdCty 28562  726-6232 North Carolina Marine Services MrhdCty726-8213 G North Carolina Maritime Museum
315 Front St Bfrt 28516728-7317
 North Jenny 277 Amos Gillikin Rd Bfrt 28516 728-3465 I Northcutt Lee & Terri
283 Salter Path Rd PnKnlShrs 28512247-2739 J Norton Wilson 105 D Lee Place Nwprt 28570 223-5858 Norwood Bill 108 Birch Ct AtlntcBch 28512  622-4233 Norwood Christine 15 Villas At Reef PnKnlShrs 28512  808-2928 K Norwood David 117 White Oak Bluff Rd Stella 28582764-3166 Norwood Mitch
207 Money Island Dr Apt A AtlntcBch 28512 499-9330
Not Too Shabby 4637 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557  222-3310 L
noTAry pubLIc - sArA’s sIgnATure seAL
Nunn Deborah 1608 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594  354-9720 Nunn Steve 247 Moonlight Dr AtlntcBch 28512622-4300 Nunn Timothy 1650 New Bern St Nwprt 28570 777-1209 Nunnally Thomas 104 James Dr EmrldIsl 28594  354-4445 Nutrition Works Inc 361-B Howard Blvd Newport223-3914
790 Cardinal Rd New Bern223-3914 Nutz Joe 107 Portsmouth Ln Nwprt 28570808-2412 Nutz Joseph MD - MDVIP
3004 Bridges Street Morehead City 28557727-4933 Nyberg John 813 Sea Chaser Ct Bfrt 28516728-5420
4370 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557675-8353 N Novey Dan 106 Camp Morehead Dr MrhdCty 28557 247-6178 Novicki Greg 7309 Emerald Dr EmrldIsl 28594764-2882 Novotny Matthew 350 Red Barn Rd #43n Nwprt 28570  764-2382 O Now You’re Cookin Inc MrhdCty240-8105 Nowacek Stephanie 222 Lewis Rd Bfrt 28516  838-1211 Nowaczyk M A 106 Fawn View Ct Nwprt 28570223-0307 P Nowak Daniel 409 Crestwood Dr Nwprt 28570223-1277 Nowell Karen 3102 Evans St MrhdCty 28557 622-4013 Noyes Alfred 202 Courtyard East Bfrt 28516838-1781 Nugent Alfarata 109 Snow Goose Ln Nwprt 28570 393-3828
Call773-1089 Nova Urgent Care 4252 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557  222-0204
  Oak Grove Motel 1305 Salter Path Rd SltrPth 28512247-3533 Oakes Darrell 2807 Mayberry Loop Rd MrhdCty 28557240-0228 Oakley C Mitchell & Betsy
605 W Forest Dunes Dr AtlntcBch 28512247-2991 Oakley James EmrldIsl 354-3452 Oakley Max 1524 Front St Bfrt 28516 504-2091 Oakley S A354-3581
Oakwood Homes
5526 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557247-2122

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