Page 135 - CCO17 Flip Book
P. 135
P 102 PIGOTT – Pockette
Pigott Brenda 180 Sleepy Point Rd Glcstr 28528729-9091 Piitman Catherine
Pittman Chester 243 Cedar Ln Nwprt 28570 726-3953 P Pittman Dale 1636 S River Rd Bfrt 28516728-5562 P Pittman Deborah 1046 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512 622-4794 P Pittman Dimesha P
4425 Arendell St Unit 104 MrhdCty 28557 773-4089 Pike Diana 109 Pond Dr AtlntcBch 28512 773-0951 Pike Thomas 408 E Fort Macon Rd AtlntcBch 28512622-4768 PIKSCO Homeowners247-4818 Pilcher Jeff Bfrt728-7606 Pillus Patricia 307 Emerywood Dr MrhdCty 28557 247-5017 Pinaha Carol 144 Bayberry Rd Nwprt 28570777-4160 Pinckard Kelly 101 Ocean Ridge Ct AtlntcBch 28512 648-8249 Pine Knoll Association Inc
320 Salter Path Rd PnKnlShrs 28512727-5000
Pine Knoll Village HOA
320 Salter Path Rd PnKnlShrs 28512247-6500
900 Old Fashioned Way Apt 1218 Nwprt 28570777-1084 P Pittman Elbert 159 Horseshoe Rd Davis 28524729-9781 P Pittman Emmett 405 Seashore Dr Atlntc 28511 225-8741
Pittman Fannie 303 E Southwinds Dr Nwprt 28570726-4525
Pittman J R 405 W Terminal Blvd AtlntcBch 28512726-2227 Pittman James 190 White Oak Dr Nwprt 28570726-3601 Pittman James 1007 Els Ct MrhdCty 28557 726-1309 Pittman James William
PO Box 905 AtlntcBch 28512 240-1717 Pine Knoll Shores Realty
201 Bayview Blvd AtlntcBch 28512 247-3972 Pittman Jeff 110 Waters Edge Dr Nwprt 28570223-6073 Pittman Jerry 1038 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512 622-4765 Pittman Jerry & Yvonne
pIne knoLL shores ToWn of
see The govt blue-pages In The front of This book
G Pine Ridge Construction
271 Seashore Dr AtlntcBch 28512225-7351
1044 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512 247-3222 Pittman Jimmy 231 Utopia Dr Nwprt 28570726-1820 Pittman Julie 420 Star Church Rd Mrshlbrg 28553 729-1678 Pittman Kenneth 314 Royal Rd Bfrt 28516728-2361 Pittman Kenneth & Janet 202 Gibbs Ct Bfrt 28516 838-1325 Pittman Kevin 269 W Southwinds Dr Nwprt 28570648-8542 Pittman Larry 701 W Haven Blvd MrhdCty 28557499-9146 Pittman Larry C 409 Sycamore Dr Bfrt 28516728-3192 Pittman Lee & Debbie
Piner Betty 243 Communtiy Rd Davis 28524 729-7501
H Piner Brad 1915 Front St Bfrt 28516728-4271
Piner Braxton & Debby
I 916 Marshallberg Rd Mrshlbrg 28553 729-1451
111 Gloucester Ct Nwprt 28570727-0574
Pittman Linda 1590 S River Rd Bfrt 28516 728-3526
Pittman Linda 335 Troon Way Bfrt 28516728-5973
Pittman Mark 217 James Grady Rd #12 Nwprt 28570240-0905
Pittman Minnie 328 Jonaquin Creek Rd Bfrt 28516 728-5341
Pittman Minnie 221 Friendly Rd MrhdCty 28557222-4738
Pittman Ray 213 Vine St Bfrt 28516 728-3410
Pittman Rita 405 Barbour Rd Apt 165 MrhdCty 28557247-3475
Pittman Robert 405 Seashore Dr Atlntc 28511 656-8010
Pittman Robin Mr 110 Cedar Ave Bfrt 28516728-5488
Pittman Thelma D 143 Horseshoe Rd Davis 28524729-1691
Pittman William 506 Perkins Rd Bfrt 28516 838-1745
Pittman’s Auto Service 1634 Live Oak St Bfrt 28516728-2040
Pitts P C 109 Palmetto Place Circle Bfrt 28516728-7297
Pitula Larry 5124 Chalk St MrhdCty 28557 247-5885
Piver James 144 Howland Pkwy Bfrt 28516728-5678
Piver Joe 292 Piver Rd Bfrt 28516728-2095 P Piver Roy 215 Fulford St Bfrt 28516 728-7496 P
Piner C L 103 Palmetto Place Circle Bfrt 28516728-3708 Piner Cathy 706 N Forty Rd MrhdCty 28557 247-5678 Piner Daniel 2717 Homes Dr MrhdCty 28557808-2731 Piner Daniel 1006 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557 773-0554 Piner Dennis 353 US Hwy 70 Wllstn 28589 729-5221 Piner G H 406 S 14th St MrhdCty 28557 726-4635
K Piner Greg Mrshlbrg 729-8551 Piner Home Center Inc
2312 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557247-3103 L Piner Ivey G Jr 245 Lige Piner Rd Smyrna 28579 729-4201 Piner Jarvis M II 2537 Lennoxville Rd Bfrt 28516728-5262
Piner Jeffrey W & Peggy
519 US Hwy 70 East Smyrna 28579 729-1813
Piner Jessica 161 Lena Perry Ln Bfrt 28516838-1232 Piner Jim 302 W Davis Blvd AtlntcBch 28512 247-5262 Piner Kalah 218 Gatsey Ln Bfrt 28516838-9320 Piner Karen 133 Oak Ln Wllstn 28579 729-1702 Piner Keith 910 Eastman Creek Dr Bfrt 28516838-6207 Piner Louie 228 Horseshoe Rd Davis 28524 729-5361
pIZer fAMILy prAcTIce
700 Hwy 70 E Otway Beaufort 28516838-1743
Pizio Robert 108 Olga Rd Bfrt 28516 838-1858 Pizza Hut 3426 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557 726-7117 1450 W Corbett Ave Swnsbr 28584910 325-0027
Plain Jane’s Cleaning
2403 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557726-1659
Planet Wear 8700 Emerald Dr EmrldIsl 28594354-7262 Plant Life Industries EmrldIsl 910 333-7898 Plaster Kenneth 508 Harbor Dr EmrldIsl 28594 424-8637 Player Horace H 661 Tuttles Grove Rd Bfrt 28516728-2675 Player James 2910 Newport Circle Nwprt 28570223-5533 Plaza Mexico 521 Front St Bfrt 28516 728-3702
5167 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557808-3700 Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar And Grill
O Piner Michael 487 Chatham St Nwprt 28570 223-5551
Piner Michael & Susan729-7591
Piner Patty 3309 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557240-5268
P Piner Plumbing 261 US Hwy 70 Wllstn 28589 729-7591 Piner Randy 621 US Hwy 70 Wllstn 28589729-2891 Piner Rosalie 102 Chestnut Dr Bfrt 28516728-2610
Q Piner Samuel 105 Crescent Dr Bfrt 28516504-7267 Piner Saundra 939 NC Hwy 101 Bfrt 28516838-9515
R Piner Tom 431 Star Church Rd Mrshlbrg 28553729-6191 Piner Virginia 126 Palmetto Place Bfrt 28516504-7003 Piner Watts 406 S 14th St MrhdCty 28557648-8144
S Piner William A 857 NC 58 Hwy Swnsbr 28584 393-8420
Pinnacle Tax & Accounting Services Inc
620 E Sabiston Dr Swnsbr 28584 910 326-4033
140 Fairview Dr EmrldIsl 28516 354-2800 P Pleace David 102 Island View Dr Bfrt 28516 728-1688 P Pleasant Christine 312 Bay Tree Ln EmrldIsl 28594354-6960 P Plesant Gene 119 Arborvitae Ct AtlntcBch 28512 622-4969
Pino Frank 2399 US Hwy 70 East Bfrt 28516 838-9558 Piotrowicz Theodore
Piper John 118 Island Quay Ct AtlntcBch 28512247-4235 V Pipkin Joe 131 Fulcher Landing Dr Stacy 28581 225-0346 Pippen Leslie 189 Goose Creek Loop Rd Nwprt 28570424-8318 Pippin Jon 109 Gregg St EmrldIsl 28594 354-4350
308 Lord Berkley Dr EmrldIsl 28594354-3308 Pipe Cleaners Plumbing 2142 US Hwy 70 Bfrt 28516728-9968
P Plisko Service Solutions223-3551 P Plisko Suzanne 824 Mann St Nwprt 28570 223-5706 P Plisko Yvonne 203 Acorn Ln Nwprt 28570223-9940 P
U pIpeLIne pLuMbIng Inc
7413 Emerald Dr Emerald Isle 28594354-1918
Plisko Candace 105 Bell St Nwprt 28570777-4133
W Piskura Edward
211 Arendell St Apt 301 MrhdCty 28557499-9546
Plough Gary 147 Pond Dr Apt Down AtlntcBch 28512 726-6901
Plum Kris 123 Sandbur Dr Apt East EmrldIsl 28594 764-0011 P Plunk Lonnie 223-5978 P PMC Of NC 100 Manatee St Swnsbr 28584 393-6710 P PNC Bank P
Pita Plate 5167 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557 222-0949 Pitcher Crystal 121 Cannon Dr Nwprt 28570764-0038 Pitcher Timothy 564 Gales Creek Rd Nwprt 28570223-5854 Pitel Rohan 1212 Lantern Way MrhdCty 28557499-9157 Pittmam Pamela 104 Mossy Ln Mrshlbrg 28553 729-0105 Pittman A 726-9778 Pittman Anne 822 US Hwy 70 Atlntc 28511656-4094 Pittman Belinda 167 Otway Farm Rd Bfrt 28516838-1951 Pittman Bertie 1279 US Hwy 70 Stacy 28581 656-8007
Account Information-Customer Service-Loans888 762-2265 P Existing Mortgage Information800 822-5626 P Directory Assistance877 762-2000
Hearing Impaired-TDD800 531-1648 P Branch Locations P
Swansboro 101 WB McLean Dr CpCrtrt 28584 393-3500 P
2300 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557240-6080 P Poag John 3009 Country Club Rd MrhdCty 28557726-2515 P Pochwat Mitch 100 Turners Creek Way Bfrt 28516838-1617 P Pockette Shannon 700 Friendly Rd MrhdCty 28557 622-3101