Page 153 - CCO17 Flip Book
P. 153
S 120 SNOTHERLY – Speicher
Snotherly Robin
4609 Country Club Rd MrhdCty 28557499-9018
Snow Diana 100 Webb Dr MrhdCty 28557 648-8022 Snudden Casey 182 Gales Dr Nwprt 28570247-2076 Snug Harbor On Nelson Bay
272 US Hwy 70 East SeaLvl 28577 225-4411 Snuggs Dawn 204 Sandfiddler E EmrldIsl 28594 354-2611 Snyder Alfred 917 Church St Nwprt 28570223-4678 Snyder Barbara 255 Oakleaf Dr AtlntcBch 28512 622-4365 Snyder Frank
104 Silver Creek Landing Rd Swnsbr 28584 393-1454 Snyder J S & J M 108 Santa Maria Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-4117 Snyder Mary E 121 Sand Castle Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-6217 Snyder Michelle
Sound Massage S 4050 US 70 Ste D Morehead City 28557648-1917
Sound Medical Family Practice S 300-E Taylor Notion Rd CpCrtrt 28584354-1970
3608 Medical Park Ct MrhdCty 28557 247-3476 S
Southern William MrhdCty773-0949 S Southwinds Condo HOA S 2008 E Fort Macon Rd AtlntcBch 28512247-2318 S Southworth Janice 301 Bobbys Dr Nwprt 28570777-4001 S Sowa Theresa Nwprt728-4291 S
1701 Salter Path Rd Unit C301 IndnBch 28512 648-8643 Snyder Raymond 403 Brook St MrhdCty 28557622-4071 Snyder William 306 Gordon St Bfrt 28516 838-1117 Snyders James 6820 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-4369 So & Sew 4119 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557808-3008
5386 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557222-0777 South Eastern Elevator
G Sobeck John 207 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594354-5377
5050 Business Dr MrhdCty 28557 726-0075 South River Merrimon Fire Dept & EMS
Sobel Martha Sue 192 Morris Dr Atlntc 28511 225-8701 Or Call 656-4048
Non-Emergency purposes 728-2258 South Swell Surf Shop
8204 Emerald Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-7175 Southard Anthony 1517 NC Hwy 24 Nwprt 28570499-9746 Southard R MrhdCty 726-0977 Southerland V L 273 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512808-2934 Southern Banks Auto
H Sobkowski James & Wanda
149 Lucille Lewis Dr Mrshlbrg 28553729-8231
Sochalski Dan
216 N Holland Point Dr Stella 28582910 325-7046
I Social Security Local Office
5007 Executive Dr MrhdCty 28557222-3002
Southern Charles 2400 Bay St MrhdCty 28557726-3640
Southern Gastroenterology Associates S
New Bern 1420 McCarthy Blvd888 491-1885 J socIAL servIce orgAnIZATIons
511 Penny Ln MrhdCty 28557726-7111 Southern Glass & Mirror
Domestic Violence Services393-6361
S 1047 W Corbett Ave Swnsbr 28584910 325-1050 S
Easter Seals Rlgh 636-6007 K Home Mission 1412 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557247-2559 Matthew 25 1007 Orange St Nwprt 28570223-4727 NC Social Services Div919 527-6335
Crystal Coast Habitat For Humanity
5898 Hwy 70 Nwprt 28570223-2111 Restore 223-4493
Social Services - Carteret County
302 Court House Sq Bfrt 28516 728-3181
Sodowski Leonard 133 Charles St Bfrt 28516 728-7145 Soft Water Solutions LLC
4911 Bridges St Ext MrhdCty 28557222-3220 Sokolosky Traci 175 Shore Dr Bfrt 28516 838-1307 Sokolowski Kelly 106 Willis Ave AtlntcBch 28512 622-4593 Sollenberger Nicholas 2203 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-2276 Solomon Bernard 202 Marsh Wren Ct EmrldIsl 28594 354-6215 Solomon Elizabeth 508 Campen Rd Apt 2g Bfrt 28516 838-9525 Solomon Ronald 805 Barbour Rd MrhdCty 28557 222-3600 Solter Amy 1435 Salter Path Rd #B2 IndnBch 28512 622-4642 Sombrio Mary 250 Fir Ridge Ln Bfrt 28516728-5349 Somerset Cellars 3906 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557 727-4800 Sommer Vilma 303 Barbour Rd MrhdCty 28557 622-4426 Sonberg Jane 1610 River Bluff Rd MrhdCty 28557 773-0862 Sonic Drive-In 5043 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557 726-9288 Sonnino Barbara729-5001 Sonzogni Robert
8726 Emerald Plantation Rd EmrldIsl 28594 354-7273 Sordillo Annie Marie Mrs
Southern Style Salons
3025 Bridges St MrhdCty 28557247-2943 S
Sound Of The Sea 8801 Reed Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-6455 S Pool Gate354-4647 S Sound Side Steak & Seafood S
5000 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557648-8298
Soundside Cartage729-1317 S Soundside Crane S
Mobile 241-4930 S
Office729-1317 South Banks Community Church
To Report An Emergency 911
1911 Lennoxville Rd Bfrt 28516 728-4008 T Sorey David P Jr 127 Neal Dr Atlntc 28511 225-0783 Sorrell Jeffrey 249 Pearson Circle Nwprt 28570764-0787 Sorrels Danny 173 Trailwood Dr Nwprt 28570622-4504
Sowers Michael 125 Sowers Dr Bfrt 28516728-6148
Sowers Phillip 171 Maggie Leonard Ln Bfrt 28516838-9469 S Spa Nails 5167 US Hwy 70 West MrhdCty 28557 726-0100 S Spacek Jamie 10531 Wyndtree Dr EmrldIsl 28594764-9534 S Spadaro Laura 1506 Ann St Bfrt 28516 838-1515 S Spaid Jessie 226 Community Rd Davis 28524 418-0143 S Spaid Maureen 107 Pearl Dr Bfrt 28516 504-2756 S Spain Linda 105 Elm Ct PnKnlShrs 28512 240-1306
Spain Michael Brian S
206 Goose Creek Loop Rd Nwprt 28570 424-8838 S Spann Carl T 2707 E Fairway Rd MrhdCty 28557 726-3614 S Spano Barbara 204 N 22nd St MrhdCty 28557 240-2660
Sparks Hollie 221 Rutledge Ave Bfrt 28516838-1656 S Sparks Jean 332 Straits Rd Bfrt 28516 729-1331
Sparks Joshua 764 US Hwy 70 East Davis 28524838-1696
Sparks Julie 244 Old Winberry Rd Nwprt 28570622-4510
Sparks Nedra 118 Edgewater St Nwprt 28570 773-4198
Sparks Steve 3537 White Dr MrhdCty 28557 499-9956 S Sparrow David T S
2111 W Fort Macon Rd AtlntcBch 28512726-9283
Sparrow Doris 1276 Salter Path Rd AtlntcBch 28512 247-2116 S Sparshott Deborah 101 Cottage Row MrhdCty 28557 773-0719 S Spatafora Jason 125 Sea Dunes Dr EmrldIsl 28594 424-8326
Spear Bailey 7404 Archers Creek Ct EmrldIsl 28594 354-8772 S Spear Glenn 621 Mourning Dove Nwprt 28570 777-4311 S Spearman James 263 Star Church Rd Mrshlbrg 28553 729-4641 S Spears John 9513 Ocean Dr EmrldIsl 28594424-8092 S Spears Kay S
4609 Country Club Rd Apt A2 MrhdCty 28557773-0415 S Spears Larry & Pet S 545 Salter Path Rd PnKnlShrs 28512726-6348 S Special Olympics S Headquarters800 843-6276 S
Spectrum 500 Time Warner Dr Nwprt 28570 223-5039
Speedway S
#8271 1800 Live Oak St Bfrt 28516728-2513 S #7946 4275 NC Hwy 24 Nwprt 28570 393-2982 S #8268 6655 NC Hwy 24 Nwprt 28570 223-2103 S 809 W Corbett Ave Swnsbr 28584910 325-0078
Speicher John 9708 Lord Berkley Dr EmrldIsl 28594354-4656 S
U Sorrentino Paul
2304 W Fort Macon Rd Unit 214h AtlntcBch 28512 726-3499
Sorzano Edward 607 Bridle Ct Swnsbr 28584393-7885 Souder Shay 907 Lake N Shore Dr MrhdCty 28557 622-4471 Souder Timothy 3405 Country Club Rd MrhdCty 28557499-9785 Soule Constance 128 C St Nwprt 28570393-3284 Sound Ace Hardware 300 Emerald Dr EmrldIsl 28594 354-4640 Sound Banking Company
1897 Live Oak St Bfrt 28516 728-2181 5039 Executive Dr MrhdCty 28557247-0880 1150 Cedar Point Blvd Swnsbr 28584 393-8460
Sound Choice Insurance LLC
1210 Arendell St MrhdCty 28557247-5000
Sound Dog LLC 612 Tom Mann Rd Newport 28570 777-4923 Sound Furniture & Appliance
600 Cedar Point Blvd CdrPnt 28584393-8130 Toll Free 800 550-8130