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The theme of this issue is “Finishing 2021 Strong and Setting up Success for 2022”. What better way to do that than to speak to 2 Rockstar teams who have Summited the South Texas Leaderboard and Ruled the Rybelsus Rally.
San Antonio SW tied for 3rd on the Rybelsus Rally for this last POA. Outside of targeting your top 100, what plans did you as a team put together at the beginning of the POA to grow Rybelsus breadth in your top 100 writers?
This is a great question. In the spirit of transparency, the planning started at the end of 2020, not at the start of this POA. Going into the 2021 year, we knew as a team that every meaningful customer interaction, while working in a virtual environment, had to be impactful. We also recognized that in this environment, focusing on just the top potential was not going to be enough to move the needle in trying to accomplish our Rybelsus goals. Our top potential customers were very busy dealing with COVID spikes with their patients.
Our first goal was to set up a reasonable two-week call route to contact customers and then create opportunities for interactions. Every customer interaction mattered. If either one of us was successful in getting something in the books, we included the other in the interaction to promote team unity, cohesion, and familiarity amongst our customers.
Our second goal was to ensure that if we got someone to invest their time with us, regardless of where they fell in potential, they got a solid, meaningful interaction on diabetes management and where our products could fit into their treatment algorithm.
When we finally got our goals at the end of January, we learned that we were projected to finish last in the region for the POA. We took the grim projections as a challenge to finish better than what was projected. For us, finishing last was not an option. We also knew that turning our numbers around would require patience, consistency, and a deep understanding that it would take longer than a few POAs to get our customers on board with Rybelsus. We were confident that if we stuck to properly executing the “work from home” phase of our plan, we could begin to set up face time engagements when we were back in the field. At the end of the first quarter, we finished two spots better than what was projected and our meaningful customer interactions from home allowed us to schedule some great face to face interactions with ‘difficult to access HCPs’ when we were back in the field.
Our POA 1B, goals once again projected us to finish very poorly in the region. Despite the news of another grim quarter, we were already very busy laying the framework of targeting some very ‘difficult to see’ customers to attend our first face to face dinner programs that opened in May. The third phase of our plan included targeting high potential customers and their medical staff to attend Rybelsus programs. In the months of May and June alone, we successfully orchestrated 13 Rybelsus programs where 18 of our top 50 potential customers plus their key medical staff attended. A total of 43 prescribers attended these dinner programs overall. We finished POA1B hitting 87% of our targeted Rybelsus volume, which was 14% greater than our previous quarter.
Going into POA 2A, the fourth phase of our plan was in full motion. We focused our time with key extended provider interactions to drive Rybelsus sales, moving providers from non-writers to dabblers and dabblers to writers. We finished this POA at 104.9% to goal. We now have 23 Rybelsus writers, 35 Rybelsus dabblers and 59 customers who have prescribed less than 5 TRXs.
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