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Pass the Parcel
How to run a Lucy Sparkles & Friends Pass the Parcel game!
You will need:
• A pre-wrapped parcel
• Additional Lucy Sparkles & Friends stickers for the children who do not get a prize in the
The parcel is wrapped in alternative blue and brown paper, with a sticker and printed
‘challenge’ in each layer apart from the central one. The central prize is in a grey paper bag in
the middle.
In order of unwrapping the challenges go:
1) Everyone squeak like a mouse!
2) Everyone pat your head and rub your tummy!
3) Everyone give the person next to you a cuddle!
4) Everyone do 3 star jumps!
5) Everyone ROAR like a lion!
6) Everyone stand up and spin around!
7) Everyone shout ‘Happy birthday!’
8) Central prize (no challenge)
How to run the game:
• Sing ‘Let’s Make a Circle’ to get the children seated in a circle. Then, play the track
indicated in the party plan you’re following. The children pass the parcel around the circle.
You stop the music at random intervals. The child who is holding the parcel when the
music stops opens “one layer only”. Tell the child that they will get a surprise in the parcel
and “there will also be a Lucy Sparkles challenge: It might say something like ‘jump up and
down’ or ‘everybody shout hooray’ and we all have to do what it says!” Bear in mind that
children under 4 will need help reading it. So anticipate this and tell the child if they can’t
read it you will help them read it.
• When the child opening one layer gets their sticker and finds the printed challenge,
regardless as to whether the child reads it out loud themselves, repeat the challenge clearly
yourself so everyone can hear and then lead them all in that action. E.g. “Alright everyone
let’s all roar like a lion together, 1, 2, 3 ROOOAR!” Once you’ve completed that, carry on
with the game as above.
• When you get to the penultimate challenge “everyone shout happy birthday” you will
know that the next layer is the central layer. This should ideally go to the birthday child.
• When the birthday child has got their central prize tell them that you have some
additional stickers for them to help you hand out to “all your friends that didn’t get a layer”.
Get these from your Sparkly Bag and hand them out with the birthday child to the other
• Make sure you congratulate everyone at the end for a brilliant game of Pass the Parcel!
Tips and extra ideas:
• Use lots of energy to keep it fun and fast paced.
• Do the challenge activities with momentum and lead them in confidently with a “1,2,3” or a
• If you have older children you can also pass around a toy with the parcel (going in
opposite directions) and whoever has the toy when the music stops has to make a sound.
E.g. if it’s Olaf they have to say “I like warrrrm hugs”.
• Sing a song while the parcel is being unwrapped. E.g. “Sophie’s unwrapping the parcel,
the parcel, the Ella’s birthday party” (to the tune of ‘Let’s Make a Circle’).
• If the children are younger you can get them to clap to the music or tap their tummies or
heads as the parcel is being passed around- but remind them to remember to pass the
parcel too!
• Before you start the game tell all the children that if they don’t get a layer not to worry as
there are “treats for everyone at the end of the game and/or party.” Keep this upbeat!