Page 42 - FindTomInTime_Rome
P. 42

  Pages 30- 31
A sleepy tiger?
A fainting lady?
A small child trying to see into the arena?
Digby the cat?
A lady throwing flowers? An escaping gladiator?
Open circular or oval building with seats surrounding a central space used for sporting or dramatic events
Family (often long dead) from which a person is descended
One of Rome’s
Type of bridge or channel used to carry water
Someone who studies history by examining objects Open air courtyard
Large, celebratory feast shared by many people
Hot and steamy bathing pool at a public bath house
The 'Field of Mars' was a large open space where the Roman army trained, and
             was also used for voting, the
Official count of people living in a place or country
Commander of a
Group within a   of about 80 men Horse-drawn vehicle used for racing or warfare
and for festivals
Famous ancient Roman statesman and writer
Circular or oval-shaped arena surrounded by raised seating
A giant sewer, used to take storm water and waste from away from the city
Group within a of about 500 soldiers Military leader

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