Page 3 - SAMPLE Wigglesbottom
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When Theo Burke goes to the boys’ toilets, he comes back SOAKED in water and can’t explain what happened. He has to wear the ‘I had an accident clothes’ (even though he hasn’t) and drink some Ribena for the shock. Year 2 decide it’s the fault of a TOILET GHOST and none of the boys can drink anything otherwise they’ll need the loo and the ghost will get them! But it’s
curry for lunch and they get SPICY MOUTH and really THIRSTY. So David Barry drinks a glass of water really quickly and then, during football, says he’s BURSTING and has to go to the loo. So he runs into the girls’ toilets and gets caught by Mr Harris, the head teacher. Mr Harris says there’s no such thing as a toilet ghost but when he investigates, he gets soaked in water too and has to wear the ‘I-had-an-accident’ clothes! The caretaker says it’s a faulty tap but Year 2 know differently...
Jacob Brown has an extraordinary shoe. It can predict the future. It knows that Lauren Carr has a cheese and jam sandwich in her lunchbox, it knows that David Barry will play football at break and score at least one goal and that Miss Riley will get a Big Surprise! But unfortunately that turns out to be rubber rat in her handbag.And it was put there by Jacob Brown (who is now in a lot of trouble). So it turns out his shoe CAN’T predict the future after all!