Page 10 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 10

         The temperature in January in the Northern Hemisphere is about the same as the temperature in July in the Southern Hemisphere.
New Year’s Resolutions
On 31st December we often talk about ‘making resolutions’ for the new year. Why do we do this?
The tradition of making resolutions started with the Romans,
too. Because the January god, Janus, was looking backwards and forwards at the same time, he became a symbol for the Romans of forgetting what had happened in the past and moving on into the future. January therefore became known as a month in which to forgive people and be kind.
Nowadays, people seem to worry more about getting fit and not eating chocolate – maybe we should be more like the Romans and make resolutions to be kinder instead?
Here are some ideas for resolutions that y•ou might manage to keep . . .
Look out for someone at chool who needs a friend.
Have a cake sale or organise a sponsored silence or a sponsored w•alk for charity.
Clear out your old toys and clothes and take them to a charity shop. (Check with an adult before you give these t•hings away!)
Help out around the house and/or garden, if you have one.

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