Page 17 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 17

        Maybe a trip to the seaside is not at the top of your list of things
to do at this time of the year! It’s true that it’s too chilly to go for a swim or a paddle, as the sea temperature has dropped to between 6°C and 10°C. However, you can still have fun hunting for shells, pebbles, seaweed and fossils. And there are some beautiful seabirds and other creatures for you to spot. Common seals can be seen along the UK coastline, and in Scotland, Wales and Cornwall you might
also see porpoises. Wherever you go, make sure you take your nature notebook with you so that you can write down or draw what you see!
Cormorant Turnstone
Rock pipit
   Redshank Oystercatcher

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