Page 172 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 172

           The words were written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788. The song asks if it’s right to forget old friends and things that have happened in the past.
        Just After Midnight . . .
In Scotland, New Year’s Eve is known as Hogmanay. If you’re lucky enough to be in Scotland on
31st December (and you’re allowed to
stay up on New Year’s Eve until
In England and Scotland, New Year’s Day used to be 25th March. Scotland made 1st January New Year’s Day in 1660 and England followed in 1752.
    after midnight!) you might be able to join in with the tradition of first-footing.
The ‘first foot’ to come in through the front door after the last stroke of midnight is
supposed to bring good luck. The ‘first-footer’ should be carrying a piece of coal, some
bread, salt and a small drink (known as a ‘wee dram’). These items are thought to bring warmth, good food, long life and good cheer for the year ahead.

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