Page 24 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 24

   February Birth Signs
Aquarius The sign of the water-carrier.
Some people believe that if you have your birthday between 20th January and 18th February, then this is your sign. You are supposed to be an inquisitive and logical person.
Pisces The sign of the fish. If you
were born between 19th February and
20th March, then you are a Piscean.
Some people believe this means you are
creative and good at working things out based on your feelings.
It Was a Dark and Snowy Night . . .
On 8 February 1885, in Devon in the south of England, a great unexplained mystery happened. Villagers up and down the Exe river were all huddled indoors, keeping close to their fires and trying to stay warm. No one was out in the streets or the fields. The snow came down thick and soft and settled all over everything. It was eerily quiet. Everyone went to bed, safe and sound. The next morning, on opening their shutters, people saw the strangest sight: hundreds upon hundreds of bizarre footprints could be seen in the snow, going on for about 160 kilometres. They were shaped like the hoof of a
cow, sheep or goat, except that no normal animal could have made the marks, because it looked like the creature had only one leg – all the footprints were in a single line. The story was reported in the newspapers at the time. No one has ever been able to explain where the hoof marks came from. Spooky!

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