Page 9 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 9

         SARA COLERIDGE (1802–1852)
January can be a dull and dreary month after the excitement of Christmas and New Year’s Eve – unless it snows of course! Who doesn’t love a ‘snow day’? Even if it doesn’t snow, there are still lots of lovely things you can do, both
outdoors and indoors, this
month. You could wrap up
warm and go for a walk
to see what you can find.
Yes, the trees are bare, but
you should still be able
to spot birds and other
creatures out in the park or
garden. There are also some
wonderful festivals this
month which offer a good
excuse for getting friends
round or throwing a party.
So maybe January is not so
dull after all!
Why is January Called January?
The calendar we use today was invented by the Romans. January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the god
of gates and doorways. He was always drawn with two faces looking in opposite directions – one face looked back at the year that had passed, and the other looked forwards into the new year.

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