Page 20 - SAMPLE Looking for Emily
P. 20
loudly as she dared and gave the drawer a hopeful wiggle. No luck.
There was a tiny window behind the desk, spilling sunlight into the room. The dust filling the air carved the light into a thick, solid slice, constantly shifting and changing. It made Lily’s head spin a little. She stood on her tiptoes and looked through. A laugh forced its way out and she rolled her eyes. She could see the main road. She must have been a street or two away the whole time. She returned to the front of the desk and read the small white placard standing to one side.
Welcome to the Museum of Emily. Please follow the arrows.
An arrow pointed to a dark entryway on the left. Lily looked at her phone. She was pretty late. But given that she was already pretty late, there was no sense in rushing off now. Besides, she was only a few minutes from home, now that she knew where she was. Might as well have a look around.