Page 30 - SAMPLE Looking for Emily
P. 30
John, the pirate gave him a gift.”
Caitlyn trimmed the edges of Emily’s pastry lid
with a sharp knife.
“A diamond,” she said. “As big as a man’s fist. He
had stolen it from a queen, who had stolen it from someone else. It was worth millions. And now it belonged to Grandpa John.”
Emily started to carve leaf shapes in the remaining scraps of pastry. “But . . .”
“But there was a problem. Great-Great-Grandpa John’s eldest son was no good.”
“He was a scoundrel!”
“A rascal!”
“The baddest of bad apples!”
“That’s right. So Grandpa John hid the diamond
somewhere very secret, away from his greedy, no- good son. And there it waits to this day, for someone sharp of brain and pure of heart to find it.”
Emily sighed, pressing her pastry leaves on to the top of her pie. “I wish I had a diamond as big as a man’s fist.”
“Me too.” 24