Page 36 - SAMPLE Looking for Emily
P. 36

                interesting, patterned patches sewn into the knees of her trousers, hair swinging to her waist, a deep dimple in one corner of her mouth. She looked like . . . Lily shook the thought from her head before her stupid brain could finish it. The bell rang, signalling the start of the school day. Sam peeled herself reluctantly off the wall.
“Well, I’ll see you later!”
Lily opened her mouth to reply but Sam was already gone, dark hair streaming behind her as she bounced down the corridor. She shrugged and started towards her first class.
At the end of the day, she found Sam sitting on the school wall, kicking her heels against the brick. When she saw Lily she waved frantically.
“Hello! I was waiting for you.”
“Because you’ve been eating lunch on your own
with a teacher and that sucks, so I thought we could walk home together. And because my friend Jay who normally walks with me is home with the flu, so if we don’t walk together it’s going to be you on your

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