Page 3 - Roar Roar Lion
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 The three short stories in the first book in the series MAGNIFICENT MABEL AND THE RABBIT RIOT are:
Magnificent Mabel and the Rabbit Riot
Mabel is very envious of her big sister Meg, who’s given
a pet rabbit for her birthday – Mabel thinks this is hugely unfair as SHE’S the one who’s obsessed with animals, not Meg. So when Meg goes out, Mabel decides to get the rabbit out of its hutch to play with it – except they make an awful lot of mess, and accidentally eat Meg’s special birthday lunch... and eventually Mabel decides that per- haps SHE’S not that keen on rabbits after all.
Magnificent Mabel and the Burglar Tooth Fairy
Mabel is very worried about one of her teeth falling
out – she doesn’t one the tooth fairy breaking into her bedroom at night to steal it from her. So when she gets a wobbly tooth she tries all sorts of things to stop it from falling out – sellotaping it back in, only eating yoghurt
– but nothing does the trick.Thankfully her sister Meg helps her out and looks after the spare tooth herself so that the tooth fairy won’t come into Mabel’s room – and so Mabel decides to thank her by buying a present for Meg with the money the tooth fairy has left behind.
Magnificent Mabel and the Pixie Play Date
Mabel desperately wants to go to Elsa Kavinsky’s house, because Elsa Kavinsky has a sprinkler in her garden, and if there’s one thing that Mabel loves it’s sprinklers. But the trouble is when Elsa finally invites her over, she’s not very interested in playing in the sprinkler at all, and Mabel
has to play all of Elsa’s favourite games instead. So Mabel tells Elsa Kavinsky all about the pixies that live under the stairs in her house – and Else REALLY

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