Page 10 - 2022 Catalogue SAMPLE
P. 10
Rabbit's Pancake Picnic
Tegen Evans • Illustrated by Paula Bowles
A sweet and funny picture book about friendship – perfect for Pancake Day. With pancake recipe included!
It’s finally the day of Rabbit’s pancake picnic! She’s going to make the pancakes all by herself . . . but she can’t find her recipe book! Bother! Rabbit decides to try to remember the recipe instead, and adds syrup, strawberries, apples, and lots of other ingredients to the mixture. Her friends try to help, but Rabbit is desperate to make the pancakes on her own. Even when the mixture turns lumpy, sticky and
3+ • £11.99 HB / £6.99 PB • 32pp 270 x 250mm
HB: 978 1 83994 110 8
PB: 978 1 83994 111 5
Author location: London, UK Illustrator location: Bristol, UK
looks, well . . . strange. Is Rabbit’s pancake picnic ruined? Perhaps she just needs to accept some help from her kind friends!
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