Page 111 - 2022 Catalogue SAMPLE
P. 111

Secrets of the Dead
Mummies and Other Human Remains From Around the World
Matt Ralphs • Illustrated by Gordy Wright
Travel back in time to discover the secrets of mummies and other human remains from around the world.
From ancient Egyptian mummies and European bog bodies to the plaster citizens of Pompeii and Japanese self-mummifying monks, this book reveals what scientists and experts have uncovered about our ancestors’ lives from the bodies they left behind. Find out what these people ate, wore, believed in, enjoyed doing and much, much more in this unique and stunningly illustrated book.
9+ • £12.99 • 64pp
290 x 250mm Hardback
ISBN: 978 1 78800 900 3
Author location: Kent, UK Illustrator location: Lisbon, Portugal

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