Page 96 - 2022 Catalogue SAMPLE
P. 96
I Remember
Jeanne Willis • Illustrated by Raquel Catalina
A poignant story full of love and gentle humour to help young children understand dementia.
The most important things are never forgotten . . .
Jeanne Willis
& Raquel Catalina
3+ • £12.99 HB / £7.99 PB
32pp • 250 x 290mm
HB: 978 1 83994 122 1
PB: 978 1 83994 229 7
Author location: London, UK Illustrator location: Valencia, Spain
George’s granny is quite forgetful. When George visits, he knows she might not remember where things are, or how to do up the buttons on her coat. She might not even remember George’s name. But George also knows that the little things don’t matter. Whatever Granny might forget, George is there to remind her; he knows that even if her mind can’t remember, her heart will always love him more than words can say.
Stories Aloud