Page 2 - The Mermaid Call
P. 2

 A Mermaid Call
Alex Cotter
Word count: 50,000 Genre: mystery adventure Age range: 9+
Debut: no
Illustrations: no
Series: no
Why did you acquire it?
Alex Cotter is a great writer and she really knows how to hook the reader into her stories. Mermaids are the stuff of legends and this story blends myth and reality beautifully. It has a really strong MG voice, too, which makes it highly commercial.
In 1914 two Lake Splendour girls claimed to see its leg- endary freshwater mermaid. Soon after, the girls disap- peared. Only to return months later, at the start of the Great War, telling folk they had been called to the world of the mermaids beyond the lake. Belittling the girls at first, by the end of the war, the villagers of Lake Splen- dour were glad to believe in magic.
July 2020. Gifted swimmer, thirteen-year-old Viviane, lives at Lake Splendour, with her ‘young’ gran, Mimi. Lake Splendour is gloomy most of the year, except in summer, when the tourists arrive, visiting its famous Shell Grotto and Illuminated Caves – maybe, if they’re lucky, sighting the infamous mermaid itself (‘almost as famous as Loch

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