Page 9 - The Mermaid Call
P. 9
“I like it here,” I said and stabbed a fat chip with my fork.
“But it’d be fun to sit with new people.”
Fun? I nearly choked on the chip; fun, as in being forced to take Maths GCSE four years
early. No way could I sit with the MPs and pretend to be cool, rebellious, opinionated. I was useless at pretending.
“And I really like Hero.” Eleni was gazing misty-eyed in their direction.
My stomach shrunk a little. Hero (and yes, that is her real name) was a family friend of Eleni’s. And Eleni had been kissing the ground All-hail-Hero walked on ever since she led our climate march a few months ago. She no longer seemed interested in our own campaigns for better school dinners and stopping littering – childish, she’d called them yesterday.
“Hero was talking about the MPs’ next protest when she came in for her battered haddock last night.”
I sat back so hard my canteen chair bounced. I had an urge to grab a fistful of All-hail Hero’s trendy, badge-filled jacket and remind her, Eleni Thanos is my best friend, not yours. Huh, like I’d dare. I had a doctor’s note the day they gave out backbones. I shifted lower in my seat; I’m your keep the peace and everyone happy type of person. Nice, polite, teachers always report (along with “should speak up more”). I’ve never had an argument with anyone. I never fall out with Mimi; Eleni and I haven’t had one row in all the years we’ve been best friends; I’m even pleasant to cold-callers. There should be a bone for that.
Eleni was taking a deep breath. “Don’t you want to be part of campaigns that actually make a real difference? The MPs are planning an anti-Mermaid protest next.” She delivered that second sentence really quickly, like pulling off a plaster with words.
My stomach shrunk some more and I stared down at my plate of greasy chips and gravy that – actually – did need campaigning against whatever All-hail Hero said. “But we sell mermaids,” I finally mumbled. We, as in my family shop, Enchanted Tails. “And Mimi’s on the village Mermaid Committee.”
“I know – but don’t you think the Mermaid Crown is sexist?” I looked up. “Boys can enter to be crowned King Neptune.”