Page 113 - Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
P. 113

 Trotting, Trotting, Trottingintothe Dusk and Ho me 74
Tu¯¯ı, The 165
Turtles 175
Upona Snail(Extract) 168
Vulture, The 195
Wasp, The 236
Wasp, The 237
Was ps 237
Water Vole, The 142
Welco mingthe Birds 86
W hale 299
Whale- Cloud 16
Whales Weep Not!(Extract) 298
W h al e s o n g 17
WhatSeesthe Owl(Extract) 289
W h e r e c a n h e b e g oi n g 168
Whisperto Me 281
Who A mI? 66
Who A mI?(A Kenning) 164
Wild Black Crows 104
Wi nter 27
Winter Ducks 30
Wolf 220
Wolf 249
Wolf, The 276
Wolf Cry, The 48
W o o dl o u s e 192
Wo o d pec ker 87
Wor d 309
Worldis Full of Elephants, The 246
Wor m, The 122
Wre n 202
Wuzzy Waspsof Wasperton(Extract), The 236
Ya k 300
Yak, The 301
Youspottedsnakes with doubletongue 152
Ze bra 124

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