Page 61 - Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
P. 61
T he lio n, r uler over all t he beasts,
Triu mphant moves uponthe grassy plain
Withsunlike gold upon histawny brow
Anddewlikesilveronhisshaggy mane.
Into hi mself he drawstherollingthunder,
Beneath hisflinty pa w great boulders quake;
He will dispatchthe mouseto burrow under,
Thelittle deertoshiverinthe brake.
Hesetsthefierce whipofeachserpentlashing,
Thetall giraffe brings hu mblyto his knees,
Awakesthesloth,andsendsthe wildboarcrashing,
Wide-eyed monkeys chittering,throughthetrees.
H e g a z e s d o w n i n t o t h e q u i e t r i v e r,
Partingthe green bulrushesto behold
A s u n f l o w e r - c r o w n o f a m e t h y s t a n d s i l v e r,
A royal coat of brushed and beaten gold.
Willia m Jay S mith