Page 112 - 2022 Catalogue FULL
P. 112

The Curse of the Tomb Robbers
An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle Mystery
Andy Seed • Illustrated by James Weston Lewis
Learn how to read hieroglyphs in this compelling puzzle adventure story, publishing 200 years after the Rosetta Stone was deciphered.
Best friends Nub and Iteti must stop a gang of robbers from raiding Queen Neith’s tomb before a deadly curse is unleashed! Readers can help them by deciphering hieroglyphs, solving puzzles and finding a safe route through the River Nile maze. A unique and exciting way to teach children about ancient Egypt and hieroglyphs.
a fold-out hieroglyph chart and dictionary!
7+ • £12.99 HB / £8.99 PB 48pp + tip-in hieroglyph chart and dictionary
290 x 217mm
HB: 978 1 83994 657 8
PB: 978 1 78800 965 2
Author location: Gloucestershire, UK Illustrator location: London, UK

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