Page 81 - 2022 Catalogue FULL
P. 81

The Elephant Detectives
Ged Adamson
A witty and original adventure from Ged Adamson, illustrator of This is NOT a Unicorn!
Stories Aloud
 OH NO! Alan has lost his elephant! Luckily, Edie the Elephant Detective knows EXACTLY where to look, and together they examine doughnut shops, investigate dinosaur bones and search the skies from a cable car, but they can’t find him anywhere. Will Alan EVER find his elephant?
And might he also find . . . a new friend?
Also available
3+ • £11.99 HB / £6.99 PB • 32pp • 250 x 270mm HB: 978 1 83994 289 1
PB: 978 1 83994 290 7
Author/Illustrator location: London UK

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