Page 8 - 2021 Autumn Rights Guide
P. 8

Secrets of the Dead
Mummies and Other Human Remains From Around the World Matt Ralphs • Illustrated by Gordy Wright
• Ordered geographically, featuring human remains from Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia
• Discusses the topic of death in a respectful way
• Written in consultation with experts at the British Museum including the
Curator of Bioarchaeology
• November 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King
Tutankhamun’s tomb
A fascinating book about human remains from around the world. From ancient Egyptian mummies and European bog bodies to mummified Chinese noblewomen and Japanese self-mummifying monks, this book reveals what scientists and experts have uncovered about these incredible civilisations from the bodies they left behind. Find out what these people ate, wore, believed in, enjoyed doing and much, much more.
 Age: 8+ • Price: £12.99 • Extent: 64pp Word count: 12,000
Format: 290 x 250mm HB
Rights sold: Dutch, German

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