Page 13 - SAMPLE Great Elizabethans
P. 13
Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web (page 42). Computer users can access information via the Internet by using hyperlinks to travel between documents.
The 20th century and the second millennium end. The start of the 21st century and the third millennium is celebrated in lots of places around the world.
The activist Malala Yousafzai becomes the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (page 60). She accepts it not just for herself, but “for those forgotten children who want education . . . those frightened children who want peace . . . those voiceless children who want change.”
December The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, designed by Sarah Gilbert and her team, is approved for use to help protect people from COVID-19 (page 48).
Ian McKellen co-founds Stonewall, a charity that campaigns for LGBT+ rights (page 32).
Tanni Grey-Thompson takes four gold medals at the Barcelona Paralympics (page 52).
The Good Friday Agreement – peace in Northern Ireland is agreed, after 30 years of conflict over whether Northern Ireland should be part of the Republic of Ireland or the United Kingdom.
The Channel Tunnel, linking England and France, is opened – the Queen is one of the very first to make the journey under the Channel there and back by train!
Stormzy becomes the first Black British solo artist to headline Glastonbury (page 58).
The UK votes to leave the European Union (also known as ‘Brexit’).
January A new virus called COVID-19 (also known as ‘coronavirus’) begins to spread all over the world, causing a pandemic that makes millions of people very ill. Lots of people stay at home to help stop the virus spreading, and don’t go to offices, schools or other public places for many months.